What Level is Your Design Business?

Amy Lynn Allard: Tactics for Team and Project Management

Episode 693 of A Well-Designed Business®

Today with Amy Lynn Allard:

Welcome to A Well-Designed Business. Looking for advice on systems to turbo-charge your business? Amy Lynn Allard of Boston’s Amy Lynn Interiors learned to thrive using well-crafted, meticulous systems. She is big on time blocking, but that’s not all. Amy walks through two of her most powerful systems, the team agenda and an invaluable spreadsheet she uses to create a multiple-project timeline.

Pick it apart:

  • [17:53] Amy explains her approach to adding specs to elevations.

    [25:47] Amy walks through how she creates her agenda.

    [42:14] Amy explains her Monday morning overview meeting.

    [45:22] Amy shares how she creates a schedule for new client work.

    [46:42] LuAnn recaps Amy’s new client schedule creation process.

    [53:52] Amy shares about her business coach.

LuAnn and Amy Lynn Allard’s Ah-Ha moments:

“Hire and fire off your core values.” – Amy Lynn Allard

Connect with Amy Lynn Allard:




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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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A Big THANK YOU to Today’s Podcast Sponsor:

Mydoma: Mydoma is the designer toolkit. Not only does it offer a workflow software to keep your projects organized from beginning to end, but it also offers a valuable, thriving designer community. Mydoma is created by designers, for designers, so you know that it can truly offer everything you need to stay organized and free up your time. You can get 20% off your first three months by signing up at mydomastudio.com/awelldesignedbusiness. 


Revel Woods is a designer-focused supplier of premium hardwood and resilient flooring. Through their Pro Account Program, designers become flooring experts and are empowered to advise clients on the flooring that works best for their lifestyle. Learn more by going to RevelWoods.com.


IDS: The Interior Design Society (IDS) is one of the country’s largest design organizations dedicated to serving the residential interior design industry. We’re a group of like-minded professionals interested in broadening their network, professional development, and continued education. IDS offers its members a place to belong within a supportive and welcoming design community through local chapters nationwide, and our Virtual Chapter!

What Level is Your Design Business?