What Level is Your Design Business?

Power Talk Friday: Ethan Beute of BombBomb: Using Video to Share Your Amazing Self

Episode 684 of A Well-Designed Business®
684: Power Talk Friday: Ethan Beute of BombBomb: Using Video to Share Your Amazing Self

Today with Ethan Beute:

Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist at BombBomb shares how a simple video tool can be used to differentiate yourself and showcase the best sales asset you have – yourself! Learn the framework for creating a video response to web inquiries and walk with Ethan as he shares how you can use video in the place of email and text.

Pick it apart:

[18:49] Ethan reviews when one would send video vs. email/text.

[26:05] LuAnn summarized where interior designers can use BombBomb in their business

[31:25] Ethan addresses common objections to using video for web-lead follow up

[48:20] LuAnn recaps how BombBomb is different from highly produced marketing videos

LuAnn and Ethan Beute’s Ah-Ha moments:

“We can build this psychological proximity to people. It’s the same reason that for decades people felt close to the television news anchor.” – Ethan Beute

“People will feel closer to you when you are in front of them.” – Ethan Beute

“All any of us wants is to feel seen, heard, appreciated, and understood.” – Ethan Beute

More About Ethan Beute:

Chief Evangelist at BombBomb, coauthor of Rehumanize Your Business, and host of The Customer Experience Podcast, Ethan has spent the past decade helping business professionals be more personal and human through simple video messages. He’s sent more than 12,000 videos himself. He also spent a dozen years leading marketing teams inside local television stations in Chicago, Grand Rapids, and Colorado Springs. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan and UCCS in communication, psychology, and marketing. He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife and son.

Connect with Ethan Beute and BombBomb:







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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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A Big THANK YOU to Today’s Podcast Sponsors:

Kravet: the industry leader in the to-the-trade home furnishings industry. Kravet just recently unveiled their newest collection, Barry Lantz canvas to cloth. Check it out today and use coupon code AWDB10 to save 10% off any one purchase of Kravet Fabric, Wallpaper or Trim.

Mydoma Studio is the workflow software that organizes your design projects from beginning to end saving you time, money, and keeping everything in one place. And just for listeners of A Well-Designed Business, you can get 20% off Mydoma for 3 months! Visit mydomastudio.com/awelldesignedbusiness to learn more.

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What Level is Your Design Business?