Power Talk Friday: Virginia Muzquiz: The Referral Diva on Intentional Networking

Welcome to another Power Talk Friday! You’re in for a huge treat today! We have Virginia Muzquiz, the Referral Diva, on the show with us! Virginia is a connector with a real passion for teaching people how to cultivate referrals. And on the show today she explains how she teaches people to be referral-ready so that they can go out and get the referrals they need to grow their businesses. Listen in to find out more.
Virginia is the owner and chief connection officer at Master Connectors Incorporated and she is the executive director of B & I in America. She has over thirty years of experience in teaching six-figure companies and solopreneurs how to build a sustainable and profitable business.
Virginia believes that referrals are built out of relationships- and that requires people to like and trust you. This is why she really knows that learning how to create and leverage social capital is crucial in building businesses. Her numbers don’t lie and Virginia’s methods grew the contract service division of a nationally known education franchise from zero to 2.5 million dollars specifically, and only, by word-of-mouth. Today Virginia shows more than 1400 entrepreneurs how to redirect the time and money spent in non-productive networking into leveraged word-of-mouth strategies that produce measurable improvements in their ROI. Virginia is also the host of the Passion + Purpose = IMPACT podcast. Listen in to find out what she has to share with you on the show today.
Show highlights:
- Virginia explains where she starts when teaching people how to be referral ready.
- Simply showing up with your skill-set, as a designer, is not enough.
- The key to creating really effective referrals.
- The gift that you need to bring along to your potential client.
- The importance of being really clear.
- Getting your clients to align with your core values.
- Knowing who you are and what you love.
- Giving to givers who give.
- How Virginia helps business owners to discover their own, unique core values.
- The importance of finding what you’re really passionate about.
- Virginia’s four-step plan to succeeding at networking events.
- What you need to read and listen to, in order to really be prepared for networking events.
- The right way to get someone’s business card.
- Knowing what your niche is so that you can connect with your tribe.
Other episodes mentioned on the show:
LinkedIn: Virginia Muzquiz
Website: Master Connectors
Twitter: The Referral Diva
Facebook: Master Connectors
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