What Level is Your Design Business?

Adam Scougall : Managing a Successful Design Firm & a Full Time Job

Episode 251 of A Well-Designed Business®

Welcome to another episode of A Well Designed Business! Today we have Adam Scougall on the show. He’s someone who has become quite famous to all of us through the Facebook groups that we’re in, where he’s become our good friend and also someone that we really value! Today, Adam and LuAnn have decided to zero in on some really interesting topics, including photography and leaving your day job to become a full-time Interior Designer. Listen in now, to find out what Adam has to share with you.

Adam, who is an artist as well as an Interior Designer, opened his Interiors Consulting Business in New South Wales, Australia, in 2010 and ever since then, he has been creating and studying Residential Interiors for his clients, across New South Wales. His work has been featured in many national and international publications, including Home Beautiful, Real Living, Grand Designs Australia and Singapore’s Metropolitan Home Magazine. What really hooked LuAnn about Adam is that he also has a full-time corporate job, which he has no intention of leaving in the foreseeable future. LuAnn really found this is very interesting, especially when they discussed the pros and cons of having a full-time job while running a Design Business on the side. So, listen in- you may find this really interesting if you are possibly in a similar position to Adam, working full time, while building your Interior Design Business.

Show highlights:

  • The really amazing support and information that you can access, by joining Facebook Groups.
  • What Adam is focusing on at the moment.
  • Adam explains how he goes about saying ‘no’ to projects that aren’t a good fit for him.
  • How Adam manages his time.
  • How Adam selects his ideal clients.
  • The criteria that make something really photo-worthy for Adam.
  • How Adam manages to get everything done for his Design projects while working full time.
  • Scope Creep- what it means and how Adam manages to deal with it.
  • How Adam structures his fees, to make an allowance for the amount that he has to pay his professional photographer.
  • Adam, who does all his own styling currently, explains why his photography is so effective.
  • Why Adam would consider hiring a stylist in the future.
  • Adam explains his philosophy of telling a story, through his photo shoots.
  • If you’re looking to learn more about styling your own photo shoots, you can go back and listen to episode #108.


Adam’s website: http://www.adamscougall.com.au

website and social: https://twitter.com/AdamScougall https://www.facebook.com/adam.scougall https://www.instagram.com/adam_scougall/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-scougall-403785139/

What Level is Your Design Business?